Palm Sunday was the day that we celebrate the Triumphal Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem that begins the last fateful week of our Lord's life. He is only 33. He is fully determined to complete his life purpose and show us the better way to live in genuine faith. Sunday night he stays in Bethany, a small village outside of Jerusalem. He is among good friends Lazarus, Mary and Martha. He is safe there.
He and his Disciples and other followers leave Bethany on Monday morning and travel into Jerusalem to teach the Way of Unconditional Love for God and others. On the journey into the big city Jesus becomes hungry and goes over to a fig tree that is full of leaves which means it should have fruit. Anticipating a delicious yummy fig, he discovers the tree is barren. He curses the tree for not bearing fruit. The band of upstarts enters Jerusalem to pursue their teaching. He discovers the Temple being turned from a house of prayer into a house of greed. He creates a scene by "cleansing" it. Oh my! He will not last long now, that is for sure. The Temple was a magnificent building complex and could easily be considered as one of the great architectural wonders of the ancient world. How dare he desecrate it. But he did. That evening the Jesus people head back to safety and friendship in Bethany for the evening.
This Week at FBC
Wednesday - 6:30p.m. - Women's Small Grow Groups
Thursday - 6:30p.m. Celebrate Recovery
Friday 6:30p.m. - Good Friday Service / Communion
Sunday 10:45 Resurrection Service followed by Easter egg Hunt for children
Deadline Extended for Women's Spring Retreat Registration. New deadline is Sunday, April 24. Please sign up at the ministry table or call the office. Please make $25 check payable to Circleville FBC and note Women's Spring retreat in the memo section and use a pink offering envelope for your registration with your name and amount on the envelope. Those can be turned in at the ministry table on Sunday or at the office.