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Week of March 13

Updated: Mar 13, 2022

Excited to announce the baptisms of Emma Camden and Olivia Holbrook. If you missed it last Sunday, you can catch it here!

Another Congratulations church family on reaching the Building Fund Matching Challenge!!!!! To be exact, we gave $19,198 and the donor still gave the full $20000 match. Outstanding church! We are now approaching The $200k amount on the mortgage.

The Ignite Youth Group will meet tonight-Sunday night at 6PM. On Sunday, March 20 the youth will be going to the Trampoline Park in Hilliard.

Our worship attendance continues to grow back toward our pre pandemic average.Come on back if your health allows you to do so. Our attendance percentage mirrors the national average for Protestant churches. Slowly growing back but Spring will be here soon and it looks like the virus is declining.

We have a new church sign coming this Spring. We are working on the logistics in the next steps. We are excited about it!

The Women's ministry (L.I.F.T.) are hosting a Girl's game night in for women and teen girls (Grade 6 and up), starting at 6:30 p.m., Friday, March 25.

We will be hosting our State VBS training here on site 10:00 a.m. - 3:00p.m. on Saturday, April 2. Some of our adults and students are learning the new songs during March to share during training.

God is good!

Pastor Billy

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